27 Slicer

Resize 3D models while retaining scale and proportions, using only a single model.

27 Slicer is a Unity plugin that can dynamically resize models. 27 Slicing allows a 3D mesh to be scaled to many sizes with a single asset.
It makes use of similar concepts to 9 Slicing a 2D Sprite or UI element.
This can be done at runtime, design time, or even exported as an Unity Mesh Asset.

Watch 27 Slicer in action!

This demonstration makes use of all the features of 27 Slicer to manipulate and position models to build a living room scene.

It was made using Unity Timeline with models by Kenney.

Scaling versus Slicing

Generally when you want to resize a 3D model you must scale it. This of course has a drawback of stretching and distorting features of the mesh. Slicing a mesh overcomes these issues. In this video, scaling models are compared to their sliced counterparts.

It was made using Unity Timeline with models by Kenney.